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​​​​​​Check out some photos of our practice from the day we started! Our office in located within the Owosso East Shopping Center (next to Kroger), and was previously an Optometry practice for many years, so the layout was already usable for us. However, the space was in major need of new paint, flooring, lighting, and a lot of HARD WORK! What an adventure, but it was all worth the effort. We LOVE our office and feel so blessed to be here! Pictures are from September - December 2012.
Update: We've recently purchased our own building! We'll be moving our office to the new location in November 2020, but first there's a lot of work to be done to give the entire space a face lift, inside and out! Our new location will be at 122 N. Washington Street. It is a beautiful 3 story building that was built in 1868, and we can't wait to see how it transforms in the coming months. We're working hard on renovations that will bring this space back to life and honor the history of the building. We will be posting updates on Facebook of the entire process.
Photo Tour: Before & After

Before and after!

All our hard work paid off! :)

The first day we saw the office...

Lots of work to be done!

Didn't look so pretty at first...

Exam room before we started

After the old carpet was ripped up!

Aubrey checking it out!

Ready for new carpet!

Front of office before our sign

Old sign taken down and re-painted

New cabinetry!

Priming the walls for new paint!

Our new sign getting installed

Fluorescent lights ripped out

Starting the painting process

Help from family and friends!

New can lighting getting installed

New track lights!

Installing frame display boards

Dr. DeMeritt hard at work!

New cabinets and carpet in exam room

New front desk and pendant lights!

The finished product!

Finished contact lens area

Finished optical area
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